“… Who knows what freedom is? No one. I often think that we mountaineers get nearest to it ….”
Reinhold Messner
“… Who knows what freedom is? No one. I often think that we mountaineers get nearest to it ….”
Reinhold Messner
What is the Mountain for you? What is hiking, climbing, biking, skiing to you?
For us, the MOUNTAIN is – no matter how you choose to approach it (in summer or winter, riding a bike, hiking, on skis or climbing) – :
Mountain is, first of all, passion. And, like all passions, it continuously transform ourselves into something better, or so we would like to believe.
Alpine Adventure Romania is an invitation to you to discover probably the most unknown outdoor gem of Europe. Alpine Adventure Romania is not about us…IT IS ABOUT YOU AND YOUR EXPERIENCES.
„Consider what you want to do in relation to what you are capable of doing. Climbing is after all a matter of integrity.”
Gaston Rebuffat
We fully adhere to the standards set in the International Adventure Travel Guide Qualification and Performance Standard, and we endorsed them by officially signing the guide.
Check the Guide here.
Complementary, we list below the professional standards we consider paramount for our business:
We always do our best that each tour is at top quality for each participant.
We do our best for your safety
We cannot fully remove the risks on a mountain tour. No matter the route, there will always be some risks, small ones or big ones, but we can and must minimize them as much as possible. So:
We are humans on the mountains
It all started with week-ends with friends on the mountains having fun in the mountain huts. Then the friends started to have families, less time and less interest in the peaks we saw from the huts. In the end only a few of us remained to hike the paths. But for these ones as for myself, the mountain was for life. And I am enjoying it. You will to!
I started my first mountain route back in ’97 and since then I hiked, summer or winter, most of the Romanian Carpathians. Some years ago I decided to go professional. I took my exams, become a skier and a climber as well and here I am guiding on the mountains. I am the cautious guy of our team, always trying to think ahead and avoid risks. And I am also the photographer. I love landscape photography. The photos you see on the website are mostly mine. When I am not in the mountains I fill the time with military history and travel/ expedition readings.
As a girl, I think I strike the right balance to the team and I am not the one to say no to an adventure. On the contrary! I studied hard to be an accountant but I guess it is more fun to account mountain peaks than for figures on a sheet. And I am little more organized than the boys from the team. If they forget to buy food, I won’t, if they do not put all the questions then I will. I am always glad to be helping someone.