5. Equipment
If you have and want to bring, yes. If not, we will rent a tent to you for a fee of 10 Euro per day.
Three seasons hiking boots or winter hiking boots for higher and more challenging routes, gaiters, body synthetic clothes, synthetic blouse, windstopper shell, hardshell mountain jacket, hat, gloves. Aside for clothes, you should have headlamp, walking sticks, ice axe, crampons (these last ones for more challenging routes) – if you do not have some or any of this, we will provide them for you. And a backpack whose volume is suited to the lengh and conditions of the tour.
Three seasons hiking boots, long mountain trousers and also short trousers for July and August, synthetic T-shirt, polartek blouse, mountain jacket, hat, sun glasses. And a backpack whose volume is suited to the lengh and conditions of the tour.
If you want to, yes, of course. If not, we have all the equipment needed for the climbing tours.
Mountain bike – 15 Euro/day; Tent – 10 Euro/day.
Yes. You should. We do not have and we cannot rent ski touring equipment in Romania. Yet!
If you have and want to bring, yes. If not, we will rent one to you for a 15 Euro fee per day.